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May 17, 2008


Sandro Vella

Dear Maltagirl,

I wish you well from the bottom of my heart.

Sandro Vella

Sandro Vella

The blog post "Applied Maths - what was I thinking?" is featured on Maltamedia: The Maltese Blogosphere

- Nominate blog post of the month -


Good Luck for your exam :) I had taken Applied Maths Intermediate Level some years ago but I changed the subject after a month! lol

Fausto Majistral

Applied Maths A-level? Don't you need that to study engineering?


"Pure Maths A-Level is an absolute NIGHTMARE"

You got that right!

Good luck for your applied A-level! :)


I know what you mean. I am really struggling to study and I have this exam in June...It is very tough. Most of my colleagues (last year) only managed to pass, some of them failed however :( As you said, with a full time job, hubby, shopping, cleaning, it is very difficult to find time to really concentrate and study. Good luck!


I always found Maths very elusive, and barly managed to get my o level, so cudos of respect for even THINKING of sitting for Applied Maths A level. Gook luck gal!
Oh and are you comming to the ikla?


Thanks everyone! I am forging on with my quest to absorb as much mechanics as possible by tomorrow *sigh*

Wen, my sympathies. Good luck to you too!

Fausto, Applied Maths A-Level doesn't count to get into engineering, it has to be Pure Maths. Pure is more like building a big toolkit that you can use for all kinds of things, and Applied is more like learning how to actually use a few of those tools in one field - you need less in-depth knowledge of the tools but you need to know more about how to use them. Applied counts for Architecture and Civil Engineering because a lot of what they do is in this field, and they don't need a lot of Pure. I cannot tell you how thrilled I was when I got to fourth-year and found out that we didn't have any maths courses left to take, hahahaha.


Animals are not supposed to eat chocolate. It gets their heart beating too fast and it can kill them!!


Don't worry, I know this, which is why we never give the cats chocolate (or human medicines, or other stuff they shouldn't eat). She ran off with the paper wrapper, which I then retrieved and threw away, so she didn't actually eat any of it. I was surprised because usually she doesn't show any interest in any food that isn't meat.


Hope you did well! I admire your master plan... Coincidentally, just an hour ago, I was thinking of attempting Pure Maths A-level again next year. I had passed when I did my A levels, but I just want a better grade.

Insomma, good luck for your result now :)


did u end up passing the exam? what grade did u get? unfortunatley i fell into the applied maths a-level death trap too...*sigh* and i have to sit for the exam in two months.... :S

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