
  • Learning to
    get my baby son to sleep with minimum fuss
  • Looking Forward To
    Getting more sleep as the baby gets older :-)
  • Listening to
    An unlikely mix of pop songs.
  • Enjoying
    Getting to see the baby change every day

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July 15, 2008





I personally would be very happy with a 'B' in Applied Maths... but considering that at MATSEC level you haven't yet hit the bludgeon which is the University's backwards resit policies I'd say that you have nothing to lose (except for the fees).

Congrats on your solid result. :c)


Congrats for your 'B'! I'm not sure, but is it possible to get a grade higher than 'C' in MATSEC resits? I could well be mistaken, but you better check.


Congratulations!!! Which exam had given you a hard time to pass? Was it the Pure Maths A-level? I remember you once saying that there was an exam which took a few tries until a pass mark was achieved and I found that story to be a great example of perseverance! :)


Congrats Maltagirl! Red had told me about your success but I hadn't had the time to blog hop for a while :(

Have a great week,

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