Dad: While you're at it, how about you take the rest of your stuff that you left behind in my house? It's in the corner by the front door.
Me: Ok.
Me: *goes to corner, and, daunted by huge pile of stuff, randomly grabs old (heavy) DVD box, and two frames packaged in bubble wrap*
Middle Sis: Oy, what did you take? What's in the DVD box?
Me: I dunno, random junk belonging to me I suppose.
Middle Sis: *opens box*
Middle Sis: Aaaggrrrh! This is my DVD player! I would have killed you!
Me: *shrug* Sorry!
Middle Sis: And what are those frames?
Me: I dunno, I figured they were wedding presents that I've forgotten about.
Middle Sis: *peers between the frames*
Middle Sis: These aren't yours! They belong to Mum!
Me: *shrug* Sorry!
Middle Sis: *bangs head against wall*
Middle Sis: *writes text message to Mum re: her idiot eldest child*
Mum: *sigh* Well, she is an engineer after all...
hey!...what's wrong with engineers?! ;p
Posted by: james | July 16, 2008 at 23:36